SaveOnKit Ltd Terms & Conditions and GDPR 2018 compliance notice

1. Application of the Conditions

1.1 In the Conditions the expression “the Seller” means SaveOnKit Ltd and includes its employees and agents.
1.2 In the Conditions the expression “the Buyer” is the person firm, or company named on the invoice.
1.3 These Conditions apply to all items whether the Equipment sold (“the Equipment”) includes equipment fixed or not fixed to land or any other personal property.
1.4 These Conditions shall be governed and construed and enforced in accordance with the law of England.

2. Payment

2.1 The Equipment shall remain the property of the Seller until the Seller has received cleared payment from the Buyer.

3. Delivery

3.1 The Equipment shall be collected by the Buyer from the Seller’s nominated premises unless the parties agree other terms in writing.
3.2 Any failure of the Buyer to collect the Equipment or arrange for delivery within 14 days of the date of the invoice shall entitle the Seller to give the Buyer written notice (“the Collection Notice”) requiring collection or delivery within 2 days of the notice.
3.3 Any failure to collect or have the Equipment delivered after receipt of the Collection Notice shall entitle the Seller to sell the Equipment to a third party and to recover from the Buyer the difference between the price to the Buyer and the price to the third party together with the Seller’s additional sales costs and expenses.
3.4 In no case shall a sale by the Seller following service of the Collection Notice entitle the Buyer to any claim against the Seller either for damages loss of profits or other losses or legal expenses.

4. Health and Safety and other Requirements

4.1 The Seller makes no representation or warranty that the Equipment sold satisfies any health and safety, quality or other standards imposed by statutory rules or regulations, and in particular but without limit those relating to plant and machinery, furniture, and electrical equipment and it shall be the Buyer’s obligation and responsibility to comply in all respects with such statutory rules and regulations before the Equipment sold is consumed used sold supplied or otherwise disposed of to a third party.
4.2 The Seller shall not be under any liability pursuant to Section 6 of the Health and Safety Act 1974 and the Buyer’s attention is drawn to his obligation to carry out all necessary tests and examinations and other works to ensure that insofar as it is practical the Equipment purchased will be safe and without risk to health and safety at all times when it is being set used cleaned or maintained by any person at work.
4.3 The Buyer shall indemnify the Seller against all costs damages legal and other expenses arising directly or indirectly from any breach by the Buyer of his obligations under this Condition 4.

5. Liabilities and Indemnities

5.1 No Equipment is sold as comprising or including any new goods unless clearly indicated on the invoice.
5.2 No liability shall attach to the Seller (to the extent permitted by law) either in contract or in tort for loss, injury or damage or legal or other expenses sustained by the Buyer by reason of: 
5.2.1 any defect in the Equipment sold, whether or not such defect be latent or apparent on inspection.
5.3 In no circumstances shall the Seller be liable to any person for consequential loss or damage.
5.4 Each of the conditions 5.1 to 5.3 shall be severable and take affect as separate conditions.

6. GDPR 2018

We respect your privacy, and want to be clear about how we handle information about you.

We follow strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of personal information given to us in order to prevent unauthorised access.

Personal Data is held on our server/database either because our clients have purchased or enquired about products and/or services, or our clients have indicated that they would be interested in receiving material from us about our business and services. To that end we hold client contact details and the history of our client relationship. This allows us to manage our client relationships effectively and target items of interest so that clients do not receive unwanted material through email or the post.

We respect your privacy, and want to be clear about how we handle information about you.

What information may we collect about you?

We may collect personal data about you in the course of our work. That may include things like:

How will we use the information?

Our use of such personal data is subject to data protection law.

We mainly use your personal data to provide you with information on products & services you have requested or have previously enquired about / purchased.  We may also use it for any other purpose for which you give your consent. 

We may also use it for other normal purposes connected with our work. For example we will use your information to update our own business records, complete statutory returns, and otherwise comply with our regulatory obligations.

You can update your contact details and/or data we hold about you or your company at any time or change your mind & request for them to be removed from our records by emailing

V7.6 March 2024

Consumer Returns
Business Returns