SaveOnKit offer a 6-month repair and replacement RTB (return-to-base) warranty on all business equipment as standard. Extended warranties are available on products, and components of products, that do not have a finite lifespan.
Upon the unlikely event of a confirmed failed or faulty product, SaveOnKit shall first exhaust all commercially reasonable attempts to repair the product.
If a repair is not possible for any reason, SaveOnKit shall then attempt to replace the failed/faulty product with an identical product, or as agreed between customer and business at their discretion, similar product.
If unable to repair or replace, SaveOnKit shall refund in full the faulty or failed product.
SaveOnKit do not provide warranty or technical support on software, operating systems, maintenance or any other modifications made to the products after being purchased and/or not supplied.
SaveOnKit may assist regarding software/operating systems/maintenance/modifications where possible and in reasonable circumstances at their discretion; however, they cannot provide any guarantees or warranties regarding such assistance.
If any software, modifications, or improper use, installed or administered by the customer have caused said fault or failure of the purchased products, the warranty will be invalid.